Archaeological Resources Technology performs a wide variety of cultural resources services that include the following:
- Cultural resources management planning for local, CEQA and NEPA legislation (EIR/EIS);
- Section 106 compliance programs;
- National Register of Historic Places document preparation;
- Archival records searches and literature reviews;
- Field reconnaissance;
- Subsurface testing;
- Mitigation data recovery;
- Liaison with both local, state and federal agencies and Native American groups;
- Prehistoric and historic artifact analysis; and
- Construction monitoring.
We save our clients time and money. Our highly personalized and professional studies have an excellent track record of helping individuals, companies, and public agencies comply with cultural laws, from prehistoric archaeology to architectural preservation.
Carolyn Losée in petroglyph cave, Nevada, ca. 1990.
Ohlone Indians at Mission San José drawn by G. H. von Langsdorff in 1803.
“I believe that to be a cultural resources specialist, one has to be dedicated—not only on a professional level, but also on a personal level—to the field of anthropology. The challenges of integrating two often opposed parties, those of environmentalist and developer, are seldom easy. I take pride in my company's ability to quickly sort through a myriad of issues in a proficient and succinct manner.”
Owner and Principal, Archaeological Resources Technology (ART)